Case Study
ABS Special Periodic Survey
Valaris 92, Able Shipyard Hartlepool
The Valaris 92 is a jack up drilling rig owned by Valaris that currently operates in the North Sea.
The rig required its 8th Special Periodic Survey as part of its classification with the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) whilst docked in Able Shipyard, Hartlepool.

With a busy schedule of inspection, repair and maintenance the client had planned a short duration campaign to capture all inspections and associated repairs alongside already identified inspection, repair and maintenance (IRM) work scopes.
With so many scopes being delivered at the same time SIMOPS presented a significant challenge coupled with changing weather conditions.
The project extended beyond the original planned duration due to volume of repairs and material requirements.
- Spudcan inspections
- Leg inspections
- Hull renewal inspections
- Crane pre and post load test inspections
- Lifeboat davit support structure inspections
- Additional pipework inspection as per client requirements.
AquaTerra supplied a team of experienced multi-disciplined rope access technicians to deliver the work scope, led by an experienced project management team on site with suitable facilities and equipment to allow all planned and unplanned scopes to be delivered safely.
Scope priorities were agreed with the client from kick off so that the rig could be elevated out of the water and secured within the first ten days of the project allowing the critical hull renewal scope to commence.
Day and night shift technicians maintained a continual flow of inspections being carried out reducing in any down time on the project.
The safe delivery of a complex inspection project with our non-destructive testing (NDT) technicians carrying out over 200 inspections of structures and equipment.
Conventional and advanced NDT was carried out during the scopes capturing data and photographs to support accurate reporting of findings.