
The fast and cost-effective lining for offshore caisson and conductor repairs.
Steel structures such as caissons and conductors are hugely durable, however their location offshore leaves them vulnerable to degradation. Over decades of operation, these will be maintained through proactive cleaning, inspection and repairs in order to ensure their integrity.
As assets approach their decommissioning phase, operators will increasingly be looking to maximise late-life production without compromising short-term profitability.

AquaCast is ideal for projects nearing their end of life or where downtime to replace assets are not cost effective.

The damage is repaired using a solid, durable resin liner forming a protective sleeve within the caisson, extending the asset life by a minimum of five years.

Key Benefits
  • Repair time reduced from months to days compared with pipe replacement
  • Costs are kept to a minimum
  • Jointless, seamless solution eliminating corrosion and leakage points
  • Composite material cannot corrode
  • Designed for the toughest environments
How does it work?
The liner is saturated in specially formulated resin, which is rolled to evenly spread the material throughout.
Inverted into the caisson from above through a shooter system, the liner is put under pressure coat all surfaces of the pipe.
Under pressure using air and water, the liner is held in place and the resin is able to cure, creating a strong, durable inner layer.
Finally, the excess material below the water line is cut from the base of the caisson, allowing it to be reinstated.
Compared with traditional replacement solutions:
  • Unlike metal caisson linings, AquaCast can fit a range of hole diameters.
  • It is quicker to install taking one week vs several months
  • AquaCast is made of special composite material that will not corrode
  • Quicker mobilisation time as products are kept in stock
Is AquaCast right for you?

Before work is carried out, inspection and cleaning of the caisson can be carried out using our proprietary inspection and maintenance technology, AquaClam to remove debris and marine build up, while also ensuring there is enough structural integrity remaining in the caisson for AquaCast to be a suitable solution.

Schedule a call with our engineering sales team to discuss your requirements and we can begin investigation work to ensure AquaCast is the right product to extend your asset life.

Get in touch

Schedule a call with our engineering sales team to discuss your requirements and we can begin investigation work to ensure AquaCast is the right product to extend your asset life.